Artificial Intelligence May Help Police Identify Gang Related Crime

Artificial Intelligence May Help Police Identify Gang Related Crime

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Scientists have been using artificial intelligence for several years now. They have been able to map where certain crimes take place as well as criminal networks in a practice known as predictive policing.

Law Enforcement is hoping to take predictive policing a step further by taking the same technology and developing a more in-depth method.

Science Magazine reported, “To classify crimes, the researchers invented something called a partially generative neural network. A neural network is made of layers of small computing elements that process data in a way reminiscent of the brain’s neurons. A form of machine learning, it improves based on feedback—whether its judgments were right. In this case, researchers trained their algorithm using data from the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in California from 2014 to 2016 on more than 50,000 gang-related and non–gang-related homicides, aggravated assaults, and robberies.”


Copyright: 2017


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