MTA cop repeatedly punches drunken man in the face during rough Midtown arrest

MTA cop repeatedly punches drunken man in the face during rough Midtown arrest

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Two MTA cops wrestled a drunk man to the ground and punched him repeatedly in the face outside of Macy’s Herald Square as they arrested him, startling cellphone video acquired by the Daily News shows.

The cops grabbed each of the man’s forearms on 34th St. between Sixth and Seventh Aves. just before midnight Tuesday and tried repeatedly to trip him.

As the man, dressed in a blue tank top and khaki shorts, fought to remain standing the two MTA officers wrestled him to the ground and tried to handcuff him.

They struggled on the ground and one of the cops punched him in the face about a half-dozen times, the video shows.

“Somebody help me! Please! Help! Mom!” the man screams out as he is hit.

“We were coming back from a concert in Long Island and we were exiting the station when we saw the drunk guy,” said the man who took the video obtained by The News and asked not to be named. “At first we thought it was a normal fight but then we realized cops were involved so we started filming.”

“When we saw the cop punching, that’s when everyone started screaming, ‘Hey, what’s going on?’” he added.

“You’ll be on the Daily News tomorrow! Watch!” the man recording yelled, as can be heard on his video.

Law enforcement sources said the man, who was not named, was on LSD and tried to enter a vehicle that wasn’t his.

The occupant of the car pulled him out of the vehicle and flagged down MTA police, who were trying to question him when he began to flail his arms.

After being taken into custody, he was taken to Bellevue Hospital for an evaluation.

An MTA spokesman said the incident was “under review.”

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“I have friends that are officers, but some of these guys take what (President) Trump said last week to heart — that it’s OK to rough people up,” the man who took the video said.

Trump’s remarks about handling suspects were made in Long Island Friday as he talked about the ongoing crackdown against the notorious street gang MS-13.

“Please don’t be too nice,” Trump told his audience, which mostly consisted of Suffolk County police cadets. “Like when you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head … You can take your hand away, okay?”

The NYPD and police agencies from around the world have since condemned Trump’s tough talking speech.

“To suggest that police officers apply any standard in the use of force other than what is reasonable and necessary is irresponsible, unprofessional and sends the wrong message to law enforcement as well as the public,” NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill said in a statement.


Copyright: 2017


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